We agree that the internet must be accessible and available to everyone. We are working very hard to create a website that is accessible to the broadest conceivable crowd. To handle this, we are working to comply rigorously with the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) at the AA level. These rules clarify how to make web content open to individuals with a wide cluster of incapacities. This assists us to ensure that the website is available to people with visual impairment, physical disability, mental disability, and more. This website uses many technologies that are intended to make it as easy to use as it can. We use an accessibility interface that permits people with explicit disabilities to change the website's UI (UI) and plan it according to their requirements. Also, the website uses an AI-based application that runs in the background and enhances its accessibility level continually. This application remediates the HTML of the website, adjusts its usefulness and conduct for screen-readers used by blind clients, and for the keyboard functions used by people with motor disabilities.

• Disability profiles are upheld on our website • Extra UI, plan, and readability changes Additional functions: